Monthly Archives: October 2011

To Oakland with Love: Choose Humanity NOT Insanity…

Occupy Oakland March 15 Oct 2011 Photo by Dafina Kuficha

It’s clear that things are beginning to escalate as they did around this time yesterday. I’m concerned that the anger/frustration/adrenalin on both sides will crash and the result will be more of the same. Though some in OPD are interested in aligning with the Movement, not all police, in or out of uniform, will stand in support. Their job is to obey the commands of their superiors, no matter how immoral the act(s). I would hope that the taunting and anger spewing out last week is in check and those (anarchists) whose writings on the wall to the side of the plaza thatspeak to violence were only venting. This is General Strike was a crucial strategy and a World General Strike could be next! Right now, staying focus on the demands, issues and peaceful actions would be the best advice I can offer us.

I would ask all reading this blog to take a moment of Silence and envision peaceful resolve, even in the face of all the artillery. It’s crucial. Tactics on both sides need to monitor their actions and reactions and carefully direct their actions with the big picture in mind. The Change we truly need lies in how we treat each other. What occurred yesterday is a perfect example of how volatile this situation has become. Humanity not insanity. Our children and the world are watching Oakland. Peaceful awakenings….♥


Occupy Oakland March 15 Oct 2011 Photo by Dafina KufichaRelated articles

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Motherhood Perfected

The mind is like a fertile field. If we contaminate it with the poisons of ignorance, desire, anger, jealousy, and pride, we will inevitably produce poisonous crops. Acting carelessly or harmfully toward others, or working for our own benefit at the expense of others, will only create limitation and suffering. Medicinal seeds—wholesome, virtuous acts of kindness, love, and compassion—will produce the fruits of peace and benefit. Actions that are both positive and negative will produce a mixture of happiness and sadness. This is the principle of karma. Karma originates in the mind. Our thoughts give rise to words and actions, and these have consequences. We cannot plant poisonous seeds and expect edible or medicinal fruit. When we begin to see the negative results of our self-centeredness, we understand why we must carefully choose which seeds to plant. Our future is in our own hands.

–Lama Shenpen Drolma, from Change of Heart: The Bodhisattva Peace Training of Chagdud Tulku (Padma)

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True Discovery!

My Mother! Painted by Pat Hayes, photo by Dafina

Celebrating Columbus is celebrating the continual annilation of people of Color internationally, by any means “they” (the power that be) deem effective. Racism is one of the greatest distractors! Starving people is a one of many stategies! WAKE UP, World! Stand for Social Justice & Divine Spiritual Awakening(s) in YOUR everyday life! Our real work begins within! Peace is a revolutionary concept! Occupy your mind and heart with Goodness for ALL PEOPLES! ~ Treewizdom


Filed under People Power, Social Justice, Spiritual Health, Spirituality