Monthly Archives: March 2012

Let Not Zimmerman’s Hatred Become Our Own

Trayvon Martin, a life extinguished due to racial hatred.

When hatred is on the menu, too many think a taste won’t hurt. But a little hatred spreads and contaminates the entire organism. We are charged with staying focused, getting to the truth, but not giving in to hatred. It has not done the hater any good, so why would we think it will do us any? Yes, it’s hard to not be angry watching so many of our precious youth murdered. We must use our anger constructively. This is the time to show who we truly are as a people. We are a Loving people who have been told we are not worthy of Love. It’s a lie and we keep dying because the lie has been given so much power. Let’s give Love so much power. We must teach & walk the Truth. Teach & practice Love, Immaculate Love. We must learn new ways to honor Life and our example will be followed.

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Filed under Health & Healing, People Power, Social Justice, Spiritual Health