Monthly Archives: September 2012

Every body needs Love…

Lately, I’ve heard story after story of loss, fear and desperation. the world is in an intense place. where msny are experiencing joy and fellowship, many are not.

Let’s focus our Love and atteniveness on our friends and Loved ones, and others who are going through hell trying to get some Heaven into their lives, as they trod through their life that’s beseiged with overwhelming obstacles. I am watching people who are just trying to keep it together. They need someone to trust to help take some of their load off their shoulders. They haven’t been able to see the light at the end of the tunnel and need support.

Some have lost Loved ones; some their jobs. Some are victims of violence, living in fear. some are experiencing huge financial woes and are scared of the changes life is bringing. Some are homeless, hungry, or close to becoming homeless, hungry for work. Some have children with deep mental or physical problems. Some have those problems themselves.

Whatever the woe, a lot of people are feeling discouraged and either act it out or hold it in, not realizing they are a volcano waiting to erupt. They need our attention, acknowledge, if it’s only a smile, a warm hug or a kind word. We cannot pretend to know another’s story nor how it impacts their lives. So, let’s choose not to judge so quickly what we think we see.

Whatever the case, most people want to be acknowledged, heard, respected, Loved and to have hope. This is a time like no other, to be rooted in Divinity. Ask and ye shall receive. Money is not the answer to all questions or conditions. Love is. So, let’s choose Kindness as much as possible. It’s healing. And, since we never know what burdens another, we will feel better with our Kind response than a harsh one.

No one likes to feel diminshed. Fill up life with Love and watch your world change. Choose not to gossip, spread rumors or speak ill of another. Expect nothing in return.

Change the mindset now!


Filed under Motivational & Inspirational, People Power, Spiritual Health, Spirituality