Tag Archives: self-actualization


If I know anything, I know we are on the brink of a new world. I have seen glimpses of it. It’s indescribably delicious, lush, Loving, and heavenly harmonious. We are in the dawning of a new day, a new way. Yes, it is always darkest before the dawn. However, the “power” of darkness is fleeting. It will NOT prevail! We are not alone. How do I know? I was shown through two of the deepest visions I’d ever experienced. We went through hell and reached Heaven.

We are being purposely  bombarded with lies, travesties, injustices, and shown the worst aspects of humanity. People are afraid to open their minds and hearts and are missing the new world evolving around us. Our fears are being nourished by the violence in our daily news, in our streets, in the wars, schools, homes and in our minds. “They” are thorough in their deliverance. Even our families are dissolving in the mayhem. We’ve forgotten our children come first. We have given them models of destruction and immorality as daily food that we, too, consume. Lust, greed, jealousy, and false pride have been our main courses.  We fall for anything and will give up our most precious gifts for money or the thought of it. We are at the brink of disaster, yet, are so busy fishing for dimes, we’re missing the signs. We are creating our own demise.

Our minds are being controlled with fears of violence, disease, racial, ethnic, cultural wars and the world is being taken over by monsters who feign caring for the needs of the people when nothing could be further from what is true. We are being set up. However, we are so enthralled in the illusion,  we can’t see our way to our Divine Path.

I am writing this because we are passing through the illusion of hell and people are losing grip. This is humanity’s initiation to harmony. Do NOT lose your grip. It’s a very powerful illusion, but it is NOT where we park. It is the path we will traverse as we evolve. Great Beings are journeying with us and may be called on for help. It’s about to look bleaker than bleak, y’all. Sit in the Silent place and connect with THE ALL HOLY ONENESS. Do NOT lose connection. Strengthen this relationship. Let it be your main focus.

IT will be your Ship across tumultuous waters and your Anchor. If you have been wary about Divinity, whatever you call IT, now’s the time, now is the time, to hone in, caress your spirit, make it your focal point and hear your way through.

Iwas given this message. I guarantee you; I am not the only one sharing it. For some reason, today is the day for me to do so. We have to start awakening, moment by moment, open to the deep listening this phase of life requires. Our lives are slowing down, yet rushing. Days pass, then weeks, time is moving quickly. If we are not standing strong, firmly planted in divinity, perishing will feel like a gift. This message has been brewing within me for a quite a while and I thought sharing it would take an act of tremendous courage. Turns out, I’m wrong. Debate it, discuss it; do what you will. My mission was to share it. It’s finally done.

My sister asked why I’ve been preparing for this, I told her because I was given this vision as a child. I have always known this time would come and I would be one of the messengers. However, it’s not time for my story. This is our time, collectively, to step up the next wrung to self-actualization and evolution.

Time to step up, drop the bulls*%t and truly, humbly, Lovingly, joyfully, honestly embrace your Divinity. You may feel urges to quiet down, sit still, go within. Do so! Miss the party. Those are messages to clear yourself from the bombardment of distractions from you true Self.. It’s time now to hear our hearts and minds. The Soul is awakening from a longgg, drunken sleep.

Many people are already on this path and with great diligence. Many get this. It’s your turn: WAKE UP! You are dearly treasured. Now be that treasure and feed your being Divine Food. It is the nourishment that will carry your Soul through the mayhem imminently on our trail. Signs are everywhere. Wake up! We are all in this together: Listen & Strengthen…

Peaceful awakenings & Immaculate Love…


Filed under Motivational & Inspirational, Spiritual Health, Spiritual Nutrition