Celebrating Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. 2012

Rev./Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

On this day honoring a great man, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., much like any other, we need to be mindful of our reactions to each other. We often judge when innerstanding would be our grace and aid the one we judge. We may send Loving blessing his/her way instead of hateful words or cruel judgments. Did you know your words reveal the state of your heart? Hmm, makes you think more about what you’re saying than who you’re saying it about, doesn’t it?!

Another important aspect of listening to and following the teachings of Dr. King is to realize that Dr. King was spoke strongly about racism and its affect on Black folks’ mindset, especially since everything black is denigrated while white is purified. Black is dirty and white is clean has been the conditioning most of America, even the world. When we realize the impact of negative descriptions of people, we will have a greater understanding of our reactions to them. We can use Dr. King’s wisdom to learn to respect ourselves and appreciate our differences by respecting each others’ cultures.

  • “The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy. The true neighbor will risk his position, his prestige and even his life for the welfare of others.”
    – Martin Luther King, Jr., Strength in Love

Yep, that’s the affect on me. Why am I tripping when the Most High has this. Let me just listen to the Divine directive I am given and move on smartly. How can I serve Thee? That’s the most important question we can ask ourselves. Peace is an inward journey. Shhh, listen first to your inner wisdom, then act. It may take a while to connect to it, but look at the harm you save someone’s spirit from experiencing when you focus on your own Self, your higher beingness. The person we judge may be the catalyst in our turning within and clearing our own house first.


Filed under Spiritual Health

4 responses to “Celebrating Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. 2012

  1. Pingback: Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.: A Legacy Of Courage & Hope… | Mirth and Motivation

  2. Pingback: Tuesday Thoughts by YoTrip for January 17, 2012-LIVE THE DREAM (Vol.1, Iss.3) « YoTrip-Words and Thoughts

  3. Pingback: …generous donation of coats made to the Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Community Center | Embrace Home Loans Blog

  4. I don’t commonly comment but I gotta admit thank you for the post on this special one :D.

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